In The Spotlight with Ryan Ostrowski

WAAM is pleased to present our exclusive interview with Ryan Ostrowski, a digital media artist and poet who has recently settled in the Hudson Valley. His Facing West series considers identity, vulnerability, authority and transformation by interlaying criminal mug shots with other photographic images, paintings, and drawings.

WAAM: How would you describe yourself?

Ryan: I would describe myself as a searcher who has a lot of questions. And I really care.

WAAM: Are you a Hudson Valley native? If not, what brought you here and how long ago?

Ryan: I originate from Vermont and arrived in the Hudson Valley last summer. I sought more space and freedom to work. It has been a very uplifting and creative time for me after an eight year stint in New York City.

WAAM: What & why do you create?

Ryan: I create paintings and digital art as of late, and I write poetry. Something is concealed, I’m not sure what it is but I would really like to find it.

WAAM: What is your sustaining inspiration?

Ryan: My intent has always been to explore ideas of identity and transformation. Largely, my work is portraiture.  I am interested in the person who is stressed, extraordinary, in despair.

WAAM: Do you have a job to support your art? How is it relevant?

Ryan: I have had to wear many hats in the past, and negotiate some strange territory. Fortunately the Art is really paving the way now, and the sky is blue.

Thank you Ryan!




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